Thursday, 12th January, 2012

I love seeing these orchids at the front of our house. They're stripy!

Wednesday, 11th January, 2012

Just recording for posterity our first Christmas puzzle, before we pack it back up again - see the missing two pieces? :(

10th January, 2012

It's Illyria's baby shower! Aww... everyone wants to hold her...

9th January, 2012

As Year 11 grade sponsors entering semester 2, we are now responsible for snack bar... yikes!

8th January, 2012

No marking this Sunday! We took ourselves off for a special feast of reading and other treats at Vieng Joom Oon teahouse.

7th January, 2012

Intrepid Kerry on her first climbing experience at Crazy Horse. So proud of you, girl!

6th January, 2012

Sadly, and all too soon, it was time for Andrea & Yian to go. This is a picture of Andrea's gorgeous little suitcase (and the Viking's Charlie Brown in the background).

5th January, 2012

Our whirlwind tour with Andrea and Yian included this moment of serenity above Wat Doi Suthep. (Other moments included a visit to the fish spa, but that's another story!)

4th January, 2012

Oh my goodness, I am so spoilt... Andrea and Yian are in town and they brought me this amazing goodie bag!!! Australia Day is going to be wonderful this year... if they last that long!

3rd January, 2012

The Viking's first babysitting job! I don't know whether he'll be invited back, though... three hours of computer games probably isn't the best for a three year-old!

2nd January, 2012

Celebrating six months of marriage! The Viking and I returned to the restaurant where he proposed, six months after we started dating.

1st January, 2012

Happy new year from Owlie in Chiang Mai. This picture was taken at Sunday night Walking Street market (even though it was more like Walking-but-mostly-standing-still market today - it was so crowded!). The new year is a very important time for many Thais to make merit. They believe that by bathing this statue of Buddha with water, among other things, they will gain merit, good karma and blessing for the year to come.

Monday, 16th May, 2011

This is the work of a true artist. This is Kerry Wade's exhibition at the annual art show.

Sunday, 15th May, 2011

Those khaki-brown dishes and tin-foil cutlery can mean only one thing: we're dining in Northern Village again.

Friday, 13th May, 2011

Rainy season's come early this year. You can see the rain advancing up the driveway.

Saturday, 8th May, 2011

Oh, what a glorious skyscape.

Friday, 7th May, 2011

You know, despite the vendor's best efforts, I don't think I'll be buying any of these fabrics for my wedding coat. I took a photo, though, just to make him feel happy.

Tuesday, 3rd May, 2011

Not really sure what this fairytale coach is doing in the middle of Kad Suan Kaew... but then again, I'm not really sure what most things are doing in Kad Suan Kaew, most times!

Saturday, 30th April, 2011

Clearly, a very serious moment at Spoken Word night.

Thursday, 28th April, 2011

This photograph could not be published until after 2nd July 2011 - but here I am, in the very first fitting of my wedding dress. It's just cotton right now. Khun Lawan (seen in the mirror) wants to get it right before we move to silk.

Wednesday, 27th April, 2011

What a nerdy Viking.

Tuesday, 26th April, 2011

The trophies for Spoken Word night are all ready to go.

Monday, 25th April, 2011

Look who came to school with me today... Bob Marley! This is Year 9's annual extra-credit option: just like Boo Radley, carve a soap figurine that I can actually recognise.

Sunday, 23rd April, 2011

Kitties love handbags. They just do. This is Runt - doing admirably well after his dramatic rooftop rescue.

Friday, 22nd April, 2011

This is really for the Viking. In his cold northern home, they don't have a lot of bugs. In Thailand, we do. This winged creature was spotted on my classroom wall.